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Leasing Terms and Condition for FarmAnywhere Shop

Terms of Service and Lease Agreement

Welcome to FarmAnywhere, a premier e-commerce platform dedicated to providing innovative container farming solutions on a lease-to-own basis. This document delineates the Terms of Service and Lease Agreement (“Agreement”) that governs the relationship between FarmAnywhere (“Company”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) and you (“Lessee”, “you”, or “your”). By placing a deposit and engaging with our services, you agree to be legally bound by the terms outlined herein.

1. Acceptance of Terms
By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and consented to the terms and conditions set forth. If you do not agree with these terms, you must cease the signup process immediately.

2. Description of Service
The Company provides container farms (“Units”) on a lease-to-own basis. Lessees may sign up to lease Units by making an initial deposit, thereby starting the lease-to-own process subject to the subsequent terms of this Agreement.

3. Signup and Deposit
You shall initiate the lease process by completing the signup procedure and providing a specified deposit. This deposit is deemed part of the initial payment towards the lease-to-own agreement.

4. Lease to Own Model
a. Monthly Lease-to-Own Cost: The monthly cost for leasing to own a container farm is determined based on the lease terms settled upon signup.
b. Payment Schedule: The Lessee agrees to adhere to a payment schedule as detailed in the lease documentation.
c. Ownership Transfer: Ownership of the Unit will transfer to the Lessee upon fulfillment of the lease terms, including but not limited to, all payment obligations.

5. Lessee’s Obligations
You shall:
a. Provide accurate, truthful, and current information during the signup process.
b. Ensure timely monthly payments are made in accordance with the payment schedule.
c. Maintain the Unit in good working condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted.

6. Disclaimer:

Be it hereby noted that the monthly lease-to-own cost (“Lease Cost”) as set forth by the proprietor is subject to potential variations contingent upon a multiplicity of factors. These factors encompass, without limitation, the lessee’s creditworthiness as determined by customary credit evaluation procedures, the magnitude of security deposit mandated, and the prevailing interest rate as stipulated at the time of entering into the lease agreement. It is incumbent upon the lessee to acknowledge that the Lease Cost is a fluid valuation, and it may experience alterations consonant with the aforementioned criteria.

The aforesaid variability of the Lease Cost is duly applicable within the parameters of the juridical boundaries of both Canada and the United States of America. All lessees are enjoined to conduct a thorough appraisal of their financial position and to seek counsel from a licensed financial adviser prior to assenting to any lease-to-own arrangement. The Lease Cost set forth is not to be construed as an irrevocable offer and it is contingent upon final approval subsequent to a meticulous verification process of the lessee’s creditworthiness and the execution of all pertinent lease documentation as per the lawful requirements of the aforementioned territories.

This disclaimer serves to impute knowledge upon all potential lessees of the inherent dynamism associated with the Lease Cost, and no warranty or guarantee is extended regarding the constancy or fixity of the quoted Lease Cost. The onus lies squarely upon the lessee to remain abreast of all variables that might influence the final Lease Cost. Moreover, the proprietor reserves the exclusive right to modify or amend the Lease Cost and the conditions governing the lease-to-own arrangement at any time, without availing prior notice thereof, all within the confines of the prevailing laws and regulations.

7. Termination
The Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and repossess the Unit for non-compliance with any of the terms outlined in this Agreement, including failure to make timely payments.

8. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Company operates.

9. Amendment
The Company retains the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. All amendments will be posted on the FarmAnywhere e-commerce platform and effective immediately upon posting.

10. Acknowledgement
By proceeding with the signup and deposit, you affirm that you have accessed, read, and accepted the full terms of this Agreement, including the detailed disclaimer as to the variability of the Lease Cost.

We welcome you to the FarmAnywhere community and look forward to fostering a productive and prosperous relationship. For any queries or further assistance, please contact our support team.

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